Using a Personal Team to run the app on your iOS device

2 min readJul 15, 2021

Seeing your app become alive on a device is a lot of fun, especially the first time. To be able to do it, you only need Xcode, your Apple ID, and a connected device. This setup should take no more than 15 mins, and the important steps are the following:

Open Xcode’s Preferences (cmd+,), select the Accounts toolbar item, and add your Apple ID by clicking on + (bottom left):

When the process ends, you should see a Personal Team listed on the right (above Download Manual Profiles).

Select the Project (cmd+1 then select the root item in the file navigator), then select Signing & Capabilities, and in the Signing (Debug) section do the following:

  1. select the Personal Team (corresponding to your Apple ID)
  2. set the Bundle Identifier (the app’s identification code) to something like nl.bogdanb.somename. Xcode will check if it is available, so try a few values if you see an error about it being unique
  3. enable Automatically Manage Signing. This will fetch newly generated code signing assets

Depending on the warnings displayed, you should remove capabilities like Push Notifications or In-App Purchases, which can’t be included when using a Personal Team. A paid developer account is required for such features.

